we will forget soon

we will forget soon

Opening times 04.- 20.09.2015Thur-Sun 2-7 pm, !! during Berlin Art Week (15th-20th Sept) everyday 2-9 pm !! For more than 40 years the Soviet Red Army was stationed in the former GDR and for a short while also in the Eastern parts of Germany after the Wall was torn...
we , animals (6) – transference

we , animals (6) – transference

Opening   Thursday  18th June , 7 pm Performances8 pm  //  MAN OF DOG by Reut Shemesh & Hella Immler & Dounia Tinelli7-22 pm  //  ANIMAL COMPANION by Hana Lee Erdman Artists:Vera Drebusch, Nieves de la Fuente Gutierrez, Thomas Hawranke, Sara Hoffmann, Hörner...