Marcelina Wellmer

Ausstellungseröffnung // Opening
Fr/Fri 11.11.2022 19h

Ausstellung // Duration
Do-So /Thr–Sun, 14–19h

SAVE the DATE ::::: Finissage: 26.11.2022 – 2pm to 9 pm
Last chance to see “Solid Landscapes – loose parts” by artist Marcelina Wellmer
On the last day of the exhibition we are open from 2pm.
From 5 – 9 pm there will be the opportunity to meet the artist, and to participate in a small voluntary action: on the spot, right away or later, alone or together, once or permanently, sitting or standing.
At 7 pm there will be a guided tour.

Marcelina Wellmer’s artistic research focuses on the influence of humans on the landscape, the technological dependencies and the dissociations between nature, man and industry. In SOLID LANDSCAPES – loose parts Wellmer presents three of her latest works „Solide Landscapes, Porous and Amalgam. With the video recordings, photographs and objects the artist invites the viewer to take a closer look at the never-ending growth of industrial and production areas and a vast man-made (anti-)fusion of nature and technology. Some of the connecting points and dependencies that might be discovered in the works seem random, inappropriate and irritating; on the other hand, they open space for new narratives to reflect the tense relationship between humans and nature. Wellmer works are balancing between technical entropy and ambivalent fusion of natural and artificial materials.

Marcelina Wellmer graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan/Poland in 2000 with a degree in video and drawing. She is a conceptual artist and photographer based in Berlin. As a media artist, she has been working with video, photography, objects and sound for the past 12 years, exploring symbiotic relations between people and interfaces of information exchange and media, exploring flawed processes of encoding and decoding. In photography, Wellmer explores the powerful influence of humans on the landscape, their technological dependence, and their isolation in a modern world. Wellmer was a recipient of several exhibition and travel grants, her works were showed in several exhibitions and conferences: University of California Santa Barbara, Centre de design de l’UQAM / Montreal / Canada, Transmediale / Berlin / Germany, ISEA / Vancouver/ Canada, Queensland University of Technology / Australia.

Marcelina Wellmers artistic research wird gefördert von / is supported by
Havremagasinet Länskonsthall Boden / Sweden
Swedish Lapland Air, Norrbotten Contemporary Art Development Center / Sweden
Neustart Kultur
The exhibition is hosted by NON Berlin and Meinblau Projektraum.