Ausstellungseröffnung // Opening
Do/Thur, 05.05.2022, 19h
Ausstellung // Duration
06.-15.05. 2022
Do-So., 14–19 Uhr //
Thur–Sun, 2–7 pm
und nach Vereinbarung // and by appointment (venture@risikolandschaften.com)
n his sculptural and video works Florian Goldmann investigates the term ‘catastrophe model’, referencing physical as well as virtual examples. The term ‘model’ is derived from the Latin ‘modulus,’ the diminutive of ‘modus,’ which translates as measure. Models are flexible references against which things may be compared. They can be set in proportion to the cosmos as a whole or to the scale of the human body. Modeling an event of catastrophe, generally considered incalculable and immeasurable, suggests that a measure can be given to the event despite its incalculability. Allocated allegedly concrete coordinates and denominated in quantifiables, the event would be circumscribed, localized, and made tangible in a representation to scale. Starting from observations at seemingly discrete places in Japan, in the years after the Tohoku Earthquake, Tsunami and the ensuing accident at the Fukushima power plant, the role that catastrophe modeling plays in the context of technical and economical development as well as its impact on the catastrophic side effects of these developments is questioned in the exhibition.
Florian Goldmann works in the fields of visual arts, artistic research and media theory. A major focus of his work is on the circumstances under which prominent narratives of history are established, concurrently omitting other potential narratives. He studied Sculpture, Media Art and Experimental Film in Edinburgh, Athens and in Berlin, at the University of Fine Arts. From 2014 to 2018 he was a fellow at the Research Training Centre ‘Visibility and Visualisation – Hybrid Forms of Pictorial Knowledge’ as well as the Brandenburg Centre for Media Studies at Potsdam University. Working with the collective STRATAGRIDS, contributions to publications and exhibitions were developed between 2012 and 2018. Goldmann’s works were shown in group and solo exhibitions in Germany and internationally, a.o. in Russia at the 5th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art in 2017; in Japan at Nakanojo Biennial in 2019 and in Linz, Austria at Memphis Art Space in 2021.
Website: www.risikolandschaften.com
The project is funded by The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media

Meinblau e.V. is funded by Berliner Senatsverwaltun g für Kultur und Europa