in collaboration with Nick Byaba and CMUK

curated by Anne Hölck

Opening Hours:
Thur-Sun 2-7 pm

Finissage Event: Sunday 14.05.23 , 2-7pm Caring Research / Mensch-Tier Räume,
exhibition tour with the artists, input-lectures  by Traces Studio, Antonia Ulrich, Nick Byaba

The exhibition project Parrot People by the artists duo Hörner/Antlfinger revolves around the different habitats in which grey parrots and humans meet and have met historically. The trade in wild parrots as exotic ‘export goods’ began in the early 16th century with the colonial era. Today, there are probably more African grey parrots living in human households worldwide than in the countries of origin of the endangered species.
Hörner/Antlfinger transfer the material of their ethnographic-artistic research on the network of relationships between grey parrots and humans from interviews, images, sounds and objects into installations that reveal the process of a multispecies storytelling and allow links to be associated anew. Thematically, the artistic narratives span from the first arrivals of parrots in Europe through ship transports of exotic animals in colonial times, to living together with grey and Senegal parrots in their own household and rare observations of wild conspecifics, which they have been documenting since 2022 together with the nature guide and founder of the Parrot Tree Caretakers Association Nick Byaba on the edge of Kibale National Park in western Uganda.

The exhibition Parrot People at Meinblau project space provides a first insigt into Hörner/Antlfinger’s current artistic research project and shows filmic, photographic and installation works as well as objects by CMUK, the interspecies art collective founded by the artists with their animal companions Clara and Karl.

Since the beginning of the 90s, the artistic work of Ute Hörner and Mathias Antlfinger deals with collaborative processes and relationships between humans, animals and machines. Their installations, video works and scultptures open up both critical perspectives on changeable social constructs and utopian visions of an equal interaction with each other. Hörner/Antlfinger have been professors of media art / transmedia spaces at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne since 2009, with the professorship of Multispecies Storytelling since 2023. Their work has been shown at international exhibitions and festivals and presented in numerous publications. www.h–a.org

Rahmenprogramm / Events:


Saturday, 29.04.23, 15h Kuratorische Führung
Eintritt frei (ca. 45 min)

Sunday, 07.05.23 14h Führung für Kinder ab 8 Jahren
Eintritt frei, (ca. 45 min) um Anmeldung wird gebeten an Anne Hölck, projektraum(at)meinblau.de

Sunday 14.05.23 14-16h Finissage-Event

Caring Research / Mensch-Tier Räume“
exhibition tour with the artists, input-lectures by
Pascal M. Dreier/Timo Stammberger, Gründer von / founders of Traces Studio of creative Investigation www.traces.studio/
Antonia Ulrich, Gründerin von / founder of Institute for Arborphilia, Animals, Aesthetics and Activism www.i-aaaa.com
Nick Byaba,Gründer von / founder of Parrot Tree Caretakers Association Uganda (Video).

Artistic and activist approaches will be presented that perceive animal environments in the sense of a caring, creative research in habitats shared with humans and propose concrete ways of acting on them.

The Workshop will take place in the language of the present speakers mainly in German, if you would like to take part and speak English only, please contact so we can react.

until 19h Finissage


Pressekontakt: Bluhm PR, Sylke Bluhm, info(at)bluhmpr.de

Pressebilder hier zur Ansicht, bitte anfragen: drive.google.com/parrotpeople

The exhibition is supported by the Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin, Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur, Fachbereich Kunst und Kultur.
Meinblau Projektraum is funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.