»elephant meditations« – Sound installation by Julio Lugon
28.05. — 13.06. 2021

at Meinblau Projektraum, Christinenstraße 18/19, 10179 Berlin
Wed – Sun 14-20h

On the occasion of its 25th anniversary, singuhr — projects is presenting the three-week double exhibition »sound spaces berlin«. 

In the Meinblau project space, media artist Julio Lugon will show his sound installation »elephant meditations«.

The exhibition is dedicated to an artist of the new generation — and at the same time protagonists of the »new« Berlin. Julio Lugon, who comes from Peru, completed his Master’s degree in Sound Studies at the UdK in Berlin in 2019. His projects deal with thematic fields from philosophy as well as with the challenges arising from social and ecological issues. In his installation »elephant meditations«, Lugon creates a dystopian-fictional narrative. Julio Lugon has continuously developed the work since its first presentation in Bonn in 2019 — and especially in view of the current global crisis situation. He will present a new version as part of sound spaces berlin«.

Sound installation by Rolf Julius 
28.05. — 13.06. 2021
at Parochialkirche, Klosterstraße, Berlin-Mitte, Wed – Sun 14-20h

At Parochialkirche »sound spaces berlin« dedicates a special event to the Berlin artist Rolf Julius, who died in 2011, in the Parochial church, the founding location of singuhr — hoergalerie. »sound spaces berlin« presents a re-enactment of his sound installation »Musik, weiter entfernt«, which Julius realised in 1999 in the nave of Berlin’s Parochial Church. Julius wrote about his installation in 1999: »What fascinates me about the Parochial Church is its unfinishedness and its unambiguity as an architectural interior. What one mainly senses is emptiness, height, distance. I want to show this space in its acoustic beauty, make it a theme and emphasise it musically. The space itself will act as an instrument.« Rolf Julius is considered one of the most important protagonists of sound art in Berlin and worldwide.


Corona regulations for visiting the exhibitions :

– negative Covid 19 test or a confirmation that you are vaccinated already is mandatory

– Access to the exhibitions is permitted with a FFP2 mask and and we have to do an attendance documentation



Organized by singuhr e.v.
Funded by Initiative Neue Musik Berlin e.V., Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin (Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur, Fachbereich Kunst und Kultur), Musikfonds, die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien. With the kind support of Evangelische Kirchengemeinde St. Petri-St. Marien and Meinblau e.V.