10 September – 18 September 2016

Opening: Friday, 9 September 2016 at 7 pm

Lorena Mal’s »Concrete« makes visible the acoustic relations that are hidden in the space. The sound installation produces no sound but instead solidifies the particular sonic reflections of the space using architectonic materials. This site-specific sculpture reproduces the dominant acoustic geometry that Lorena Mal found in the space through a study of reflections of a 1000Hz sonic wave. By it’s mere presence, the installation changes the original acoustics, as an instrument that reflects the space itself.
In cooperation with  Pablo Kobayashi


>>Saturday, 10 September 2016  12 am – 6 pm

Workshop »Concrete Acoustics«
with Lorena Mal and Pablo Kobayashi
The workshop is an extension of the processes undertaken for the development of the project which will continue to question, as the project does, the notion of space, representation and human perception through a sound investigation. The workshop’s platform will emphasize critical thinking explored through sound by using listening strategies, architectural materials and non-conventional techniques.
Registration via e-mail until 8 September: info@singuhr.de

>>Tuesday, 13  September 2016 at 7 pm

Artist Talk
with Lorena Mal and Pablo Kobayashi

singuhr — projekte
Meinblau Projektraum
Auf dem Pfefferberg, Haus 5, Christinenstr. 18-19, 10119 Berlin
U2 Senefelderplatz

Open: daily 2 – 7 pm
For guided tours please contact info@singuhr.de

Organized by singuhr e.v.
Part of singuhr’s »Resonating Spaces« programme. In the framework of »entre límites / zwischen grenzen« — an exhibition and residency project by singuhr — projects and Goethe-Institute Mexico. A project of the dual year Mexico — Germany.
Supported by the Senatskanzlei — Kulturelle Angelegenheiten, the Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin (Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur) and the Mexican Embassy in Berlin. With the kind support of the Senatskanzlei Berlin in the framework of the city partnership Berlin — Mexico City and Meinblau e.v.